Resources for Providers

Click the image below to view a new publication from Measure of America, “A Disrupted Year: How the Arrival of COVID-19 Affected Youth Disconnection”


In 2021, the Surgeon General released an advisory report, “Protecting Young People’s Mental Health,” in which the devastating impacts of the pandemic and the alarming increases in mental health needs of young people are outlined. Click the image below to view the report.

The National Youth Employment Coalition is coordinating a brief questionnaire to help understand how workforce providers are grappling with this crisis. Your input will provide insight into the youth employment field’s current capacity to screen, connect, and serve youth with mental health needs. To learn more, visit:


“The State of Youth Employment: Navigating the World of Work During COVID-19” was published by the Center for Promise at America’s Promise Alliance in 2021 as the second segment of a research series focused on understanding the experiences, assets, and conditions that shape young people’s career development. This report outlines major findings from the study related to young people’s experiences navigating the world of work during this complex time, the ways in which COVID-19 has affected their work experiences, and the role that racism and discrimination have played in their career trajectories. Click the image below to view the report.

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