About Us

The Alliance of Community Assistance Ministries, ACAM, strengthens the regional social safety net by garnering resources and offering programmatic opportunities to community-based nonprofits.

We do more together through:

  • Creating state of the art programming and initiatives that fosters evaluation and builds a learning community
  • Aligning and garnering talent and resources to support the expanding reach of the Network
  • Developing technology and data-driven solutions with the Network
  • Strategically supporting and leveraging leadership and assets
  • Building the brand of the Network as a whole
  • Communicating results to increase the impact of our network

ACAM’s Five Core Program Areas

Organizational and Network Development (OND)

OND provides a variety of opportunities, including Resiliency FIRST, which focuses on supporting nonprofits through targeted initiatives, as well as capacity-building efforts like the Nine Elements Assessment Tool© (NEAT) and its abridged versions. These tools use research-based indicators to identify areas for growth and help nonprofits develop actionable plans to strengthen and expand impact. This program is designed to help ACAM Network Partners enhance their operations and achieve sustainable growth.

Training and Networking (T&N)

Knowledgeable, highly trained staff are the foundation of strong nonprofits and lead to positive outcomes for the people we serve. However, professional development opportunities are often cost-prohibitive, difficult to coordinate, and too generic to address specific needs. Each year, ACAM conducts focus groups, deploys surveys, and analyzes data to develop a unique, tailored Training & Networking Plan. ACAM offers nonprofit staff, ranging from community health workers and program staff to development professionals and executive leaders, customized training tracks designed to enhance their skills and knowledge for the year.

Collaborative Initiatives

ACAM serves as the coordinating agent for structured, organized programmatic efforts requiring the involvement of multiple organizations. Initiatives are designed to achieve shared goals through uniform reporting standards across the region, efficient data sharing, and robust evaluation. By fostering collaboration, ACAM enables partners to create system-level change that drives long-term impact. Current collaborative initiatives include the Greater Houston Opportunity Youth Collaborative (GHOYC), Pathways to Citizenship Collaborative, Homeless Prevention Program, Housing Stability Services, Benefits Access Assistance Program, Emergency Food & Shelter Program, Online Screening Tools, Workforce Solution’s Next Generation of Youth Employment Services Program (NextGen) and more.

Community Education and Outreach

ACAM actively represents the network at regional events to stay informed of industry trends and to advocate for issues critical to our partnering organizations. The goal of this program is to build a rich and connected ecosystem by identifying, empowering, and collaborating with other sectors to stimulate regional resiliency and better community outcomes. Strategic partnerships with cross sector organizations committed to strengthening the human services safety net are essential to the success of ACAM’s Collaborative Initiatives and the broader mission.

Management Support

ACAM provides essential infrastructure for emerging collaboratives. Through dependable coordination, capacity assessments, fiscal agent services for partnerships, and guidance in strategic decision-making informed by data and dialogue, ACAM strengthens organizational resilience with sustainable systems, empowering coalitions and initiatives to achieve meaningful impact.

ACAM is part of the growing field of management support organizations (MSOs) that assist nonprofits in developing capacity. MSOs like ACAM have a challenging role with responsibilities to two sets of clients: the nonprofits to which they provide capacity building assistance and the funding community, which expects measurable results from their investment in these programs. The active involvement of nonprofits in “setting the agenda” for capacity building is challenging but important to creating effective programs. Organizational development requires commitment and the nonprofits involved must be confident that the expected outcomes are relevant for their organizations. Their input on content and format can help ensure that the program is customized to fit their context and needs, a factor that can increase program impact. Both ACAM and its nonprofit members are equally charged with identifying goals that that are achievable, but also exciting to funders and board members.


ACAM Partners

ACAM collaborates with 16 Core Network Partners and a broader network of sector and cross-sector partners. The Core Network Partners are grassroots nonprofit organizations that offer a wide range of direct services. These community-based nonprofits provide vital, real-time insights into neighborhood trends and concerns. Their perspectives guide ACAM’s efforts, uniting the larger network to implement impactful programmatic initiatives. Core Network Partners are:

  • Premier and expert providers of basic needs services
  • Held to a high standard of accountability and performance
  • Community leaders who mentor peer organizations to strengthen the network and enhance community outcomes

To ensure ongoing success, ACAM Core Network Partners undergo regular organizational assessments. These evaluations are facilitated by trained consultants and include comprehensive, on-site reviews to measure the impact of collaboration, new learning, and expanded services. ACAM also empowers nonprofits to evaluate their own programs through specialized training, one-on-one coaching, organizational assessment tools, and access to external evaluators. This process enables partners to identify actionable goals and meaningful indicators of community impact.

A cornerstone of ACAM’s capacity-building efforts is the Nine Elements Assessment Tool (NEAT©), an evidence-based system designed to assess nonprofit organizational capacity. Developed collaboratively by nonprofit leaders, ACAM, and external evaluators, NEAT© helps organizations benchmark their progress and identify areas for growth.

By building nonprofit capacity, ACAM supports organizational sustainability and prepares partners to proactively address evolving community needs. Through these efforts, ACAM ensures that its network is well-equipped to create lasting change for families and neighborhoods across the Greater Houston region.